
Monday, March 28, 2011

myy ohh myyy

ohh's my F day !! mcm mane la boleh luper nie.... feeling so gross, yaiks and uncomfortable ! i wanna go homeeeeeee..

nk tawuu x i lupee nk pkai ape.......


my lovely REXONA !!!

LOL. ! i never go out without wearing my sexy Rexona.

ok. pretend it never happened. :p



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Short and Simple

Starting onwards, i have to save some of my money. I wonder, one month working/living in KL, how much should i have? save? 

Monday, March 21, 2011

new work new life

 April is coming !! neves nyeee.. sbb april nie la bakal mngubah hidupku. totally traffic. lol. finally, i have a real job. i mean forreeaallll?? after 2 years i've been waiting dis opportunity to come. rase bersyukur sangat²..

biase lah org baru mule nk "hidop" mmg banyak gyler masalah nk kene pikir. lelagi dapat keje jaohhh dr my lovely home in, i have 2 be independent. onwards. but the thing is, i have to think..where should i am i gonna go to work..and sme bende yg remeh temeh. actually, it's a small things but i like to make it bigger and complicated (dats me !). aku nie dalah cerewet orangnye.. now masalah yg melanda and i think the biggest one is TRANSPORTATION. putrajaya tu manade public transport sgt. actually, bukan putrajaya sangat  pon. it's borders serdang. kat IOI. mmg sane x de public transport kot.. nk di jadikan sang kekasih hati nie nk la belikan kereta untuk aku..(ececececehhh), everything da settle. but tym bab² loan bank nie payah skit. name dea kene blacklist.  lmao betol. padahal dah clear..bodo nyee org kedai motor tue. so, org perodua ckp x leh amek SE..kene amek premium...tapi aku nie yg demand, cerewet and ngade²..nk gak, org perodua tgh berusaha..(mintak lah boleh). kalo boleh nak la dpt kereta before start keje. so, there's no problem for me. hmmm last² mcm nie jadiknye. sangat sedeh and kecewa. bukannye i cerewet ke ape..i now what i tgh pk camne nk g keje nie..huhu. 

since dpt keje nie..mcm² masalah timbul. pening betol. and last weeks its been a stressed weeks for me. sampai terperiod awal seminggu ! LOL. seriously stressed. then, ter continue ngan dis weeks..huwaaaaa..rase mcm mawu pecah kepale weyy..

hopes everything will be settle by dis weeks..penat la nk pk itu ini...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Men Game ~

Duh. Dalah hujan. Lebat pulak tue. hari nie asyik hujan jek. rase JB mcm dah lame jek x hujan kan T_T. Dah 2 hari tadapat nk meng-onlinekan diri sbb internet + phone kat office nie rosak pulak. Tak mcm smlm aku xde keje kan. So, aku pon maen game tah pape kat pc nie. 

Ala pempaham jelah kalo game kat pc/laptop ape kan...solitaire...hearts..minesweeper. bak kate org, game bodo²-sbb-nk-abeskan-mase.

Semalam aku mnghabeskan mase ku men game solitaire. Ulang? x payah cakap. rase dalam 50 set game aku men. boring gak abes 2 nk wat apee kan hehehe.

Igt dulue mase aku kat UPM baru laa menjinakkan diri men game² nie. kalo x game yg aku tawu solitaire jelah. Pathetic kan. LOL.

First game aku maen ialah ZUMA.  x mcm aku aku addicted gyler siap belombe ngan kawan aku dah smpai level maner kan. and then, tym cuti sem aku kenalkan lah game 2 kat adik² aku, diorank pon ape lg. Terjah lah. Pastu aku pon stop la men game kejap sbb boring. T_T

And taon 2008-2009 tahun kemuncak ku men game (cakap mcm hebat kan?). dr game wat pizza, saloon rambot, pastu game Sally Spa aku bedal. Tapi game plg aku gyler addicted ialah game Chocolatier. Ala game wat cokelat² tue. Aku suke men game 2 pon sbb aku suke coklet dye..pastu kite kene carik bahan² nk wat cokelat tue..beshhhh. ingat lg, tym 2..aku men smpai pkl 5 pg. bknnye study tapi sebok dok men game 2 smpai unlocked 1 country tue. LOL. pastu dye siap smpai Chocolatier 3, sngop donlod tue sbb nk men game 2.pastu aku men game 2 again and again and again. Gyler kan ? 

And those were the days ~

Monday, January 17, 2011

Google and Wikipedia

I love to Google everything. when i means everything is really everything. sounds like weird or freaks but i love it. Once, Wikipedia saved my life. i don't lie. I've been do dis interviewed. it's really a quite big company i guess. the interviewer asked me, "what was your last movie do u watch?" thank god i just watched Avatar 3D..actually, i watched Avatar first with my boyfrens and then my friend and i decided to watch Avatar 3D.and then i answered "Avatar 3D". 

actually, i heard that Avatar used Malay language so i Wikipedia it and then Ta-daa ! so i told the interviewer that what i read in Wikipedia. i think she was so fascinated of what i was told her. i bet she didn't know that before this haha.

and then i got the job. i still remember that day. i was the happiest person in the whole weird world? LOL. but.errr i only work there for only a week because..hmm i dont want to tell u guys haha. shhhh shhhh. (i might getting sue if i'm telling this yalls).

I think i'm the curious person. Indeed. Recently, I Wikipedia who's gonna win the Junior Masterchef Australia Season 1. first tym i watched it, they are so cute !!! imagine..8-12 years amateur cooked like professionals. click if u wanna see it. Junior Masterchef Australia. actually, i just watched 3 episode and i'm so eager want to know who's gonna win it so i GOOGLE !!! LOL.

Actually, that not the story that i want to share. last week, someone asked me to Google "how to rekindle the long distance relationship" so, i google-d it ! and i get a lot of feedback. i posted my question to so-called DR LOVE. it sounds stupid but it's fun doing this. LOL. i told my problem about my relationships and bla bla bla..

Mostly the answered will be "just end the relationship" broke up" and so on ! and i got someone who's seems to understand my relationship and said a "Magic" word 2 me. it's not magic but i donno how to describe it. T_T.

And last night, someone (i-think-it's-devil-haha) murmured me. just BROKE UP WITH HIM, U MORONS !! and suddenly i sent a text to my so-called-BF written "I wanna break up". He shocked and so did i. i didn't expected that i will said that word. and then he reply my text and said why why why?? i didn't reply because i'm afraid. and this morning he text me again why i did that, my answered just simple and short. i wanna trick you. and i was wonder, why he never called me last night after i said that word to him? hmmm. okeyh, i wanna figure it out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

iPhone ke iPhong ?

January really reminds me of smthg. Yup. Januari byk meninggalkan kesan dalam hidup ku secara langsong and x langsong. kalo di pikir-pikirkan balek, what past is past. but the wound still membekas di hati. haa. laluna. T_T

Azam taon baru nk beli Iphone4 or iPad. Berangan tinggi siak. Mcm banyak duet jek. huhu. But, ari 2 aku ade terbace dalam CLEO. If we wanna buy smthg dat we really want, kene start menabong. yup. menabong.

Let's say, i4 RM 2,290 kan..dalam sehari aku kene menabong RM 6.20. tpi ujong taon laa baru boleh belikan ! ok. saya suke berangan. but, maybe i can try. woohooo. 

Google punyer google..u now what ! iphone luxe is soooo sexayyy !! kat mane nk dpt ek ? hmm mesti mahal T_T

mulai hari nie, nk setarttt menabong !!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Can u keep a secret ?

i just bought dat book by Sophie Kinsella from eBay. and it delivered to my house yesterday. actually, dis is the first time i buy somethings from eBay and i quite satisfied with the services. eventhough i bought used books, but still the condition is very good. the cover is nice and everything. n i dont feel like that book have been used before. 

Here's are the summarize of the story :

Emma is sitting on a turbulent plane. She's always been a v. nervous flyer. She really thinks that this could be her last moment. So, naturally enough, she starts telling the man sitting next to her - quite a dishy American, but she's too frightened to notice -all her innermost secrets. How she scans the backs of intellectual books and pretends she's read them. How she does her hair up like Princess Leia in her bedroom. How she's not sure if she has a G-spot, and whether her boyfriend could find it anyway. How she feels like a fraud at work - everyone uses the word 'operational' all the time but she hasn't a due what it means. How the coffee at work is horrible. How she once threw a troublesome client file in the bin. If ever there was a bare soul, it's hers. She survives the flight, of course, and the next morning the famous founding boss of the whole mega corporation she works for is coming for a look at the UK branch. As he walks around, Emma looks up and realises... It's the man from the plane. What will he do with her secrets? He knows them all - but she doesn't know a single one of his. Or... does she?

i just read 5 pages.. i's still early for me to tell u bout that story. but believe me, it's awesome. and it's so like me. Seriously. So, buy dis book and read it.  and if u wanna checkout another book from Sophie Kinsella, just click it HERE. and everyone have a secret....don't they?? Teeheee.